Thursday, June 21, 2007

Are We Playing Too Much?

Online games are around us. Philippines is slowly becoming a haven of online games. These games are addicting , no doubt, but where do we cross the line? As classes are about to begin, I began reflecting on the years that has passed. I have devoted my life in playing online games and sharing my knowledge to my friends, at what cost? Loss of interest in the course that I set my mind to many years ago.

I should know better. But what is the purpose of this post? It’s not about my life but yours as well.

Elementary and secondary education is nothing compared to college. In college, you are most likely risking your future when you play too much. Even though we can easily make our circle of friends a bit bigger, are we securing our future as well?

Think about it. Online games will never leave you, it will always be there. Know when to draw the line. Ask yourself, am I playing too much?


Bennett said...


doc enge ng guide sa PW heheh...


Bennett said...

can i use this ang put it to my own blog? just email me if it is okay with you?
